As a response to the initiative of the University Grants Committee (UGC) in promoting outcomes-based approaches (OBA) to teaching and learning, a revised OBA plan for the University has been formulated. It was submitted to the UGC in April 2007, and was noted by the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning (SCTL) at its meeting on 20 June 2007. According to the plan, the seven Faculties, School of Law and General Education are to develop their own OBA ‘roadmaps’ to specify the strategies and timeline for implementing the approach. The strategies will be implemented in the following years in stages.

For more examples of how the outcomes-based approaches are applied in eLearning, please visit our OBeL@CU website here.
Background information
- The revised OBA plan submitted to UGC in April 2007: ‘The development of an outcomes-based approach to teaching and learning at The Chinese University of Hong Kong’ (download)
- ‘Instances of good practice in teaching and learning noted in programme reviews 2005 & 2006’ (download)
- Best practice in outcomes-based teaching and learning at CUHK
- The PowerPoint slides used in the OBA Seminar for Department Chairs and Associate Deans (Education) on 28 November 2007 (download)
- Information on CLEAR’s ‘Course planning and review‘ service
Links to other OBA-related activities at CUHK and other OBA sites in Hong Kong
- Project in the Faculty of Science, CUHK ‘Promoting the use of the outcomes-based approach in Science programmes: Development of learning outcome statements and measurement instruments‘
- OBA at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University