Course Planning and Review Service
The aim of the Course Planning Service is to provide support, where this is needed, on how best to implement the spirit and requirements of the Integrated Framework at course level. The work of the Planning Service is congruent with an overall outcomes-based approach to teaching and learning.

The support and service is provided in the following manners:
Guidelines and Templates
A template has been developed for the construction of course outlines which fit the requirements of the Integrated Framework. A guideline document has been produced using examples of good practice from existing CUHK course outlines in various disciplines.
The Template for writing a course outline (MS Word) can be downloaded here.
Course Outline Reviews
The course outline plays a central role in curriculum planning. We provide advice on individual course outlines. Requests can be made by faculties, departments or individual teachers. Course outlines are matched with a set of criteria for good course outlines, encompassing 14 main sections. Follow-up consultations and activities can also be organized. Faculties/ departments/ teachers receive feedback in the form of written reports that describe the strengths and weaknesses observed, and provide suggestions for further enhancement.
Seminars and Workshops
CLEAR can also provide customized seminars on various topics concerning course planning and curriculum development.
Consultation and individualized support services for course planning, curriculum development, and the enhancement of individual course outlines are also available.
Professor CHUN Ka Wai, Cecilia
Phone: 3943-6975
Professor Paul Lam
Associate Professor
Phone: 3943-4055