Workshops, Seminars and Events |
講者: |
Dr. Will Ng (a joint event with OUGE)
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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老師在課堂上觀察到學生的學習態度、反應,甚至喜好,會形成印象。這些對學生的印象,會影響教學。當老師認爲學生用心,會教得起勁;認爲學生上課 不積極,則會增設評核及獎懲。當中,一些老師會自覺自己的教學策略因應對學生的不同印象而調整,一些老師則受到影響而不自覺。
老師對學生的印象是主觀的,所以有需要不斷檢視調整。如果老師對學生的印象主要來自課堂上的觀察,那課堂外的觀察應是重要參照。由此觀之,老師與 學生在課堂以外的接觸,有積極的教學意義。由於並非所有老師都能在課堂以外接觸學生,在過去一年多的時間,學能提升研究中心進行了一連串的學生訪 談和統計調查,希望能在課堂以外,從學生角度了解學生的學習行爲,當中包括了一些具爭議的博弈學習行爲(strategic learning behaviours) ,如「搭便車」、「屈機」、「抽離」等等。
是次通識午餐聚會,是由大學通識教育部及學能提升研究中心合辦「博弈學習行為研討系列」的第二講。講者將根據學生選科準則的小型調查,以及反映學 生真實學習經歷的學生創作文集,詳析學生在選課和學習時的趨避行爲(approach-avoidance behaviours)。
CUHK Students’ Approach-Avoidance Behaviours
By observing students’ learning attitude, response and preference in class, teachers will acquire an impression on those students, which will affect their teaching strategies. Teachers are usually more enthusiastic about teaching the more enthusiastic students. To the contrary, teachers may consider increasing assessments and setting reward-and-punishment mechanism if they have an impression that their students are not working hard enough. Some teachers may be conscious of their adjustments in light of the various impressions on students while some may not.
As the impression on students is usually subjective, it is necessary for teachers to review their impression on students from time to time. If the impression is mainly attributed to the observation on students in class, student-teacher interaction outside the classroom would provide important alternative reference to teachers. Considering the fact that not all teachers are able to interact with their students outside classroom, the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research conducted a series of in-depth interviews and surveys to explore more about students’ learning behaviours from students’ perspective. Controversial strategic learning behaviours like “free-rider”, “trumping”, “disengagement” etc. are also covered.
This is the second of a seminar series on strategic learning behaviors jointly organized by the Office of University General Education and the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, focusing on approach-avoidance behaviours in course selection and students’ learning. The speaker will present reported views and experiences collected from students, including a mini research on students’ strategies in course selection and the collected works written by students with their first- hand experience on learning.
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許讓成樓701室 (Campus Map)
Presentation file of the event can be downloaded here |