Professor LAM Lai Chuen Paul 藍澧銓
Address502, Hui Yeung Shing Building,
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T.
Phone(852) 3943 4055
Fax(852) 3942 0918


BA (Hons), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • English major
MA, City University of Hong Kong
  • Teaching English as a Second Language
  • Research on attitudes towards learning English in Hong Kong
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Applied English Linguistics
  • Thesis: Conceptual fluency in second language
    learning: Chinese ESL learners’ production of “out” and “up”
    particles in English verb particle constructions


Paul Lam joined the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in January 2003. He has extensive interest and experience in teaching and learning principles, case-based teaching and learning, web-assisted teaching and learning, and evaluation of elearning and mlearning. He also has experience in designing educational tools. uReply ( is a classroom student response system developed under his supervision.

Formerly he was the Language Programme Design and Materials Development Officer in the Neuro-Cognitive Science for Language Education Project, CUHK, where he wrote the English teaching materials for several English enhancement courses with a focus on a cognitive approach. He was the Senior Research Assistant in the Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching at the City University of Hong Kong from 2000 to 2002. Before working in the universities, he was a secondary school teacher for nine years (from 1988-97) in a number of schools, the last being Tang King Po School in To Kwa Wan, Kowloon.


Paul Lam’s research interests range widely across several key aspects of teaching and learning: web-supported teaching and learning, cased based teaching and learning, and English language teaching.

  • Web-supported teaching and learning
    He has assisted in the evaluation of close to 100 web-supported teaching projects in many discipline areas in three Hong Kong universities. He has also been involved in a CERG in this area.
  • Case-based teaching and learning
    He has assisted the implementation and evaluation of case-based teaching in science courses at universities and at secondary school levels.
  • Gifted education and learning styles
    There is an ongoing study on the perceptions of gifted education by various stakeholders in Hong Kong, and a study of the learning styles of these better students. The study uses data collected from the project ‘A Science Enrichment Programme for Secondary 3–4 Students’.
  • Self and peer assessment in Science
    He is interested in issues related to the learning enhancements induced through students self-assessing themselves and peer-assessing each other. The data come from a project in the Science Faculty: ‘Engaging Science students in the design and enactment of assessment’.
  • eBooks
    ‘Promoting the use of eBooks through better understanding students’ needs and preferences’ is an ongoing project to study the usability and acceptability of eBooks as teaching and learning tools for teachers and students. The project involves investigation of user performance and users’ preferences in test-trial sessions ranging from short to extended periods of time.
  • eLearning evaluation
    He is interested in evaluation strategies of eLearning activities on various levels (individual teachers, programmes, and university). The experience and data come from various eLearning projects and services at CLEAR.
  • English language teaching (ELT)
    He has applied cognitive linguistic insights to ELT. This work includes bringing to learners’ awareness of the differences in conceptualization held by speakers of another language. He has written experimental course content, developed teaching materials, and trained teachers to teach using this cognitive approach.

Recent Publications


Lam, P. L., & Ng, H. K. Y. (2023). Teaching and learning with mobile technologies under covid-19 pandemic: Crisis or opportunity. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 17(1/2), 198. 

Lam, P., & Tse, A. (2022). Gamification in everyday classrooms: Observations from schools in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Education, 6.

Ng, H. K. Y. & Lam, P. (2022). Advancing the understanding on the flipped classroom approach from students’ perception on the learning environment: Variation of academic discipline. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education24

Lee, V. W., Lam, P. L., Lo, J. T., Lee, J. L., & Li, J. T. (2022). Rethinking online assessment from university students’ perspective in COVID-19 pandemic. Cogent Education, 9(1).

Lam, P., Ng, H. K. Y., Tse, A. H. H., Lu, M., & Wong, B. Y. W. (2021). eLearning technology and the advancement of practical constructivist pedagogies: Illustrations from classroom observations. Education and Information Technologies. Doi = [SJR2019 = 0.78; IF2019 = 2.01; Education2019: Q1]

Ng, H. K. Y. & Lam, P. (2020). How the number of lessons flipped influence the overall learning effectiveness and the perceptions of flipped learning experiences? Interactive Learning Environments, 31(3), 1242–1251. 

Lam, P., Ng, H. K. Y., Lau, C. K. M., & Tse, A. H. H. (2020). Flip or not? Evaluating the effectiveness of the flipped classroom in Hong Kong Higher Education. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, p. 89-107.

Lam, P. L. C., & Kwong, T. (2020). International perspectives on the flipped classroom as a              pathway to effective learner engagement: A message from the guest editors. Journal            on Excellence in College Teaching, 31(4), 1-15.

Lam, P., Ng, K. Y. H., Tse, A. H. H., Lu, I. M., & Wong, B. Y. W (2019). eLearning for students with special educational needs: Illustrations from two special schools. Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning, 7(6).

Published conference papers

Ng, H. K., & Lam, P. (2023). Emotional responses toward the flipped classroom approach across academic disciplines. 2023 11th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET).

Ng, K.Y, Lam, P., Chan, K., Leung, H., & Lai, S. (2020). Flipping the classroom: Will the changes of teachers influence learning outcomes? 2020 The 4th International Conference on Education and E-Learning.

Lee, V. W., Lam, P., Lo, J., & Lee, J. (2020). Evaluation of the concerns and barriers of online assessment – students’ perspectives. ICERI Proceedings.

Lam, P., & Lau, C. K. (2019). Collective wisdom of flipped classrooms in Hong Kong Higher education: Preparing for potential challenges. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Technologies 2019.  

Lam, P., Tse, H. H., Ng, K. Y., & Lau, K. M. (2019). Perceived benefits and challenges of flipped classroom: Voices from teachers in Hong Kong’s higher education. Official Conference Proceedings of the 11th Asian Conference on Education, pp. 391-394.

Lam, P., Lau, K. M., & Chan, C. H. (2019). Continuous use of student response systems in university classes: a quantitative study of student response rates, IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 17(1), 51-65.