Workshops, Seminars and Events
Teaching and Learning Community of Practice Sharing Series - Assessment Strategies for Online Teaching

Description: The continuation of online teaching urges the need for redesigning the assessment method. Experience sharing by our fellow teachers may give you some inspirations on how to do this for the best results. In this webinar, four speakers from different disciplines and universities will share their practice in administering various designs of online assessments:

Non-Proctored Online Assessment – Settings and Considerations by Dr. Donald CHAN, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hands-On Experience in Coordinating Proctored Online Exam by Dr. Josephine LAU, School of Biomedical Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Alternative Assessment Strategies to Promote Collaborative and Self-Regulated Learning in Group Activities by Dr. Winnie LAM, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong

Adapting a Student-Centred Learning Approach and Designing the Associated Assessments in an Accounting Subject by Dr. Bruce LI, School of Accounting and Finance, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

An open floor discussion will be arranged at the end of the webinar for our speakers to interact with audience after the sharing. Please click here for the abstract of the presentations.

Event poster

Organiser: Teaching and Learning Community of Practice (T&L CoP)

T&L CoP is a teacher community at CUHK connecting teachers who have shared interests on various teaching and learning themes and needs . It aims to facilitate dissemination, sharing and advancement of teaching practices. To learn more about T&L CoP, please visit the official website at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/clear/CoP/.

Speakers (in alphabetical order):

Dr. Donald CHAN
Lecturer, Department of Chemistry
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Winnie LAM
Associate Head and Senior Lecturer II, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
The Education University of Hong Kong

Dr. Josephine LAU
Leader, Assessment for Learning Subgroup, CUHK Teaching and Learning Community of Practice
Lecturer, School of Biomedical Science
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Bruce LI
Teaching Fellow, School of Accounting and Finance
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Date & Time: 24 March 2022, Thursday (2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.)

Format & Venue: Zoom

(This event will be held using Zoom video conferencing software. The Zoom login link and passcode will be provided to successful registrants.)

Target Audience: All teachers in higher education are welcome

Medium of Instruction: English

Registration: https://cuhk.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2obbJtEgArYwD4O

Enquiry: tlcop@cuhk.edu.hk or 3943 0834/ 3943 3534

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