Workshops, Seminars and Events |
Description: |
It is uncertain whether face-to-face exams will be allowed in this Term. Our fellow teachers may want to look into various options for the upcoming assessment arrangement. This series aims to present the diversified options for online assessment, from the non-proctored open-book exams to the proctored ones.
Topic 1: |
Designing Alternative Assessment for Virtual Teaching and Learning
Facilitators: Paul Lam and Alan Tse (CLEAR)
Date: Feb 16, 2022 (Wed), 2:30 – 3:30 PM
Exam without invigilation is, logistically and technically, an easier approach to both teachers and students alike. It doesn’t mean that this kind of exam is less fair or less valid. In fact, with careful planning and execution, such an exam may be more effective in assessing students’ higher cognitive abilities. This workshop aims to present various considerations of designing a good “take-home” open-book exam and provides suggestions for maintaining fairness.
Slides (use Staff ID and OnePass password to open)
Recording on Panopto (CUHK login required)
Topic 2: |
Tools for online assessment
Facilitators: Judy Lo (ITSC)
Date: Feb 18, 2022 (Fri), 12:30 – 1:15 PM
This session will introduce online tools you can use to help assess your students, together with some tips on how to use these tools effectively. The session targets teachers who are new to using online assessment tools.
Slides (use Staff ID and OnePass password to open)
Recording on Panopto (CUHK login required)
Topic 3: |
Tools for online exam proctoring
Facilitators: Judy Lo (ITSC)
Date: Feb 21, 2022 (Mon), 12:30 – 1:15 PM
This session will introduce tools for online exam proctoring. The session targets teachers who are new to using tools for online exam proctoring. In addition to the features, the session will also discuss their strengths and weaknesses and how you can decide which one is most suitable for your needs.
Slides (use Staff ID and OnePass password to open)
Recording on Panopto (CUHK login required)
Topic 4: |
Themed Q&A session on online assessment and online exam proctoring
Facilitators: Paul Lam, Alan Tse, and Judy Lo
Ddate: Feb 23, 2022 (Wed), 12:30 – 1:15 PM
The goal of this Q&A session is to allow colleagues to meet and discuss questions related to the use of online assessment and online exam proctoring for supporting online teaching and learning under the current situation.
Register in advance for this meeting: https://cuhk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqc-GsrzMsE9ObElLC2UT4XuAdhfVSoMmZ