Workshops, Seminars and Events
Developing students’ academic literacy within the curriculum

Speaker: Dr Ursula Wingate, Senior Lecturer in Language in Education, King's College London

Abstract: This workshop presents five methods of integrating academic literacy instruction into everyday teaching and assessment practices, including lectures and seminars, personal tutoring, as well as oral and written feedback. Specific attention will be paid to the integration of academic reading into course work, which will enhance the learning of subject content as well as of academic writing. It will also be considered how English language specialists from the ELTU can support lecturers in the integration process and in the delivery of academic literacy instruction. Overall, the workshop will help lecturers to gain a fuller understanding of the various academic literacy requirements of their discipline, to recognise the range of problems encountered by students dealing with these requirements, and to support students in their literacy development by using routine teaching and assessment practices more effectively.

Date & Time: 11 May 2018, Friday, 10:30am - 12noon

Venue: 502, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building
(Campus Map)

Medium of Instruction: English

Co-organisers: English Language Teaching Unit and CLEAR


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