Dr Robert Wright
Associate Professor & Project Leader,
Department of Management and Marketing,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Student internships are designed to give our students hands-on experience to complement classroom learning. Yet, how much of what we teach our students actually get applied and tested in the real world? Just as importantly, are we really tapping into our students’ workplace experiences to better understand which of our theories, models, frameworks and research work and don’t work? How can we better bridge this “knowing-doing” gap and in the process cultivate the next generation of thought-leaders (and educators) for a complicated world? These are the core questions we address in our 3-year, $9.7M UGC funded project. Please come and join us and hear the exciting things we are doing and in the process, help make this world a better place…
(Please use this link to see the impact of the “Staying F.O.C.U.S.E.D.” framework in helping us open up the alternatives to unsolved problems, issues and challenges: https://goo.gl/yixKH9)
Dr Robert Wright has been a university level educator for the past 30 years. He is a multi-award winning teacher and researcher. He sits on the Editorial Review Boards of the Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE), Organizational Research Methods (ORM) and is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Management Education (JME). He previously served on the Editorial boards of Academy of Management Review (AMR) (2011-2017) and Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) (2002 2006). His research on “How useful are the strategic tools we teach in business schools?” was awarded Best Paper of the Year (in 2014) for the Journal of Management Studies, and in 2016 received the Emerald Citations of Excellence Award for high impact research.