Workshops, Seminars and Events
Teaching and Learning Challenge: What Can We See from Students’ Strategic Behaviors

Speaker: Dr. Will Ng (a joint event with OUGE)
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Detail: Are your students behaving? For a conscientious teacher, this can be a very difficult question. If students are not coming to class, or not working hard, they may or may not be misbehaving, as it may be their deliberate conscious choice as they choose to invest their time on more worthwhile feats. When a student procrastinates, it may be his own lack of discipline, or he himself may be victim of other students' misbehaviors. When free-riding happens in a group project, it may be due to a free-rider's shirking, a dysfunctional group, or there may be unintended perverse incentives in the way the coursework is administered.

This is the first of a seminar series on strategic learning behaviors jointly organized by the Office of University General Education and the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, focusing on group work issues. The speaker will present reported views and experiences collected from students from Jan to August 2015, including premiere of a video recording of a student debate on the relative merits of peer evaluation held in October 2015. Participants will be invited to discuss the influence of peer evaluation to students’ strategic behaviors in group work in the second half of the seminar.

你的學生行為表現如何?對於一個盡責的老師來說,這是一個很難回答的問題。當學生缺席課堂或在課業上表現鬆懈,是否即反映了他們行為不當?會否有可能是學生經過深思熟慮後,才選擇把時間投放在另一些他們認為更有意義的事情上?當一個學生做事總是拖拖拉拉,是源於他個人欠缺自律,還是反映了他正受其他同學的不當學習行為影響?當小組作業出現搭便車 (free-riding) 的情況,是因為搭便車者逃避工作責任、小組運作出現問題、還是小組課業的分工要求造成了適得其反的結果?


Language: Cantonese

Date & Time: 23 February 2016 (Tuesday) (12:30pm - 2:00pm)

Venue: 701 Hui Yeung Shing, CUHK
(Campus Map)

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