Workshops, Seminars and Events
Teaching and Learning Opportunities on Mobile Devices

Speaker: Prof. Paul L.C.Lam
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Detail: Mobile technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. Typical medium-priced mobile devices, such as mobile phones and light-weight notebook computers, are often equipped with internet connectivity(e.g. WiFi or GPRS) and have computer-processing capabilities that allow quite sophisticated programs to run. Mobile devices certainly outperform desktop computers in portability. In this workshop, we would like to focus on what teachers can do to take advantage of this ‘anytime, anywhere’ opportunities inside and outside classroom. Participants will be shown how to use many of these mobile learning resources and tools, including but not limited to student response system, mobile-ready learning resources, location-aware tools, and mobile-ready interactive exercises. Participants please bring along their own mobile devices to the workshop.

Language: English

Date & Time: Thursday, November 12, 2015 (2:30pm - 4:30pm)

Venue: Room 712, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building, CUHK
(Campus Map)

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